RACE RULES - Night Marathon of the Bydgoszcz Canal, eleventh edition Drukuj Poleć znajomemu


Night Marathon of the Bydgoszcz Canal ● eleventh edition


Nocny Maraton Kanału Bydgoskiego edycja jedenasta



Race Rules

Important Information



Finish line will be near the Start, as presented on the below diagram. The final location of the finish line might change, depending on the current conditions of the terrain. Nevertheless, the organizers will do their best to keep it as presented on the diagram. Getting to the finish line will be marked


No bikes, roller blades nor other equipment is allowed during the event (example - by the pacers).

Park lamps floodlight the route of the marathon, however, we recommend using your own lighting devices such as headlamp etc. We highly recommend it especially for time runners or those who value better comfort.


Continued tradition of the oldest, uninterrupted night marathon in Poland. 

Welcoming many returning runners, who represent the best values that marathon running has to offer.

Promotion of Bydgoszcz in Poland, Europe and beyond. 

Popularization of the park that goes along the unique, historic hydro-tech landmark, the Bydgoszcz Canal,  the oldest in Poland, complete water route, which when finished connected Western parts of Europe with  the Eastern. 

Offering night racing.

Promotion of staying active - optional not full distance.

Promotion of long distance running. 


Blogging site: POLSKIE Maratony.pl, www.polskiemaratony

City of Bydgoszcz, POLAND

Athletic Club “Gwiazda”, established in 1920



June 25, 2016, (Saturday) START at 9PM

June 26, 2016, (Sunday) Final cut off at 3AM

Race information center: ul. Bronikowskiego 45, Bydgoszcz (Athletic Club “Gwiazda”)


10 loops. The course takes runners through the park, on gravel paths, around the Old Bydgoszcz Canal (the distance of one loop is 4,2195km). The entire route is lit up with park lamps.

TERRAIN: Start: 53,09 meters above see level. .25 of the loop: 49,62 m above see level. Turn around: 45,95 m above see level. (From start to turn around you are running downhill. From turn around to the the end of a loop you are running uphill.)

Start of each loop is near the athletic club KS “Gwiazda” located at ul. Bronikowskiego, with runners heading towards downtown. Turn around is by the water lock #4 near ul. Wroclawska.

Since this race route matches the one of the DwuMaraton Bydgoski, more detailed information on the route can be found here: http://www.dwumaraton.pl/strony/trasa.htm


The competitions will take place for a chosen distance, which will be multiply of the 1/10 of the full marathon distance.

  1/10 marathon     4,2195km

  2/10 marathon     8,439km

  3/10 marathon    12,6585km

  4/10 marathon    16,878km

  5/10 marathon    21,0975km

  6/10 marathon    25,317km

  7/10 marathon    29,5365km

  8/10 marathon    33,756km

  9/10 marathon    37,9755km

10/10 marathon    42,195km

TIMING: Each runner’s time will be measured with a chip, which can be found attached to the bib number. During the race, each runner is required to present their bib number, attached on the front (to their top or shorts). A runner will be disqualified if their bib number is fully or even partially not visible. 

Your bib number is unique, a memento of the race and belongs to the runner.

Time limit for both distances is 6 hours.

Any runner who does not finish by the cut of time of 6 hours will be pulled from the race. 


Participants have to be 18 years or older on the day of the race.

Nordic Walkers are allowed to participate.

Only those who register, pay registration fee (till a specific date) and are confirmed by the organizers are eligible to participate. 


Every participant is insured under the group insurance NNW for the following injuries: 

  • medical treatment of an injury that resulted from an accident during the race
  • support in case of death that resulted from an accident during the race.


Registration is available only online via f-time.pl until May 31, 2016.

Registration list closes on 01.06.2016. Anyone who will not have paid the fee by then will be deleted from the list.

By providing your registration information one agrees to share their personal information by race organizers - as stated in the August 29, 1997 Personal Identity Protection Law (Dz.U. Nr. 133. pos 883.) - via all channels, including: online, print media, posters, billboards, TV and radio. 

By providing your registration information one agrees to share your personal information, photos and video footage by race organizers at no cost. Participants give race organizers a license/permit to use their photos, video footage via all channels, including: online, print media, posters, billboards, TV and radio at no cost. By signing your registration online or a paper copy in the race office, one agrees to these terms.

Mandatory confirmation of all participants is available in the athletic club KS “Gwiazda” on June 20, 2015 from 4pm to 8:30pm. ID required. 


1.      Registration fee by May 31, 2016, for a full or other chosen distance marathon is 67PLN. Registration fee is to be paid to the bank account for:

K.S. Gwiazda w Banku Pocztowym S.A. I/O. Bydgoszcz nr 98 1320 1117 2047 1787 2000 0023, do dnia 31.05.2016 


2.      On June 01, 2016 payments will be closed. On the day of the marathon the organizers of the event may have an small amount of race packets and anyone interested in participating in the competition may buy it for 100 zł, paid only by cash in the competition’s office.

        The fees submitted after June 01, 2016 will not be binding for organizers and they will not be refunded if the bid numbers are not available at the competition day.

3. Race packet includes a medal, a race T-shirt and other swag (depending on the race budget).

4. Once the fee is paid it cannot be refund, however, it can be transferred onto other contestant.


Participants who finish race will receive a medal (same for everyone).

Every participant registered by May 31, 2016 will receive a race packet which includes: a medal, a T-shirt (in your requested size), and possible other swag depending on the race budget.

Every participant will receive their unique bib number, which they can keep after the race.

A meal is provided post race for every participant.

After the race each participant can upload their personal diploma from http://f-time.pl/

An ambulance will be present during the race. In order to call the ambulance dial 999 and give the necessary information:

-          that the ambulance is paid and is present at the marathon in Klub Sportowy Gwiazda in Bydgoszcz at Bronikowskiego 45 street,

-         give the exact localization of the place of the accident

Aid stations will be offering cold and hot beverages, sweets, bananas and allow runners to have their own drop bags. 

Organizers are providing free overnight accommodations at the athletic club “Gwiazda” from June 20 (Saturday) to June 21 (Sunday) - air mattress.  

Organizers will provide storage of private belongings during the race. Pick up only by presenting your bib number. Organizers are not responsible for any private belongings left unattended.

Locker rooms, bathrooms with showers, restrooms are available at KS “Gwiazda”, but limited for females. 

Building offers:


- One person room with a sink and toilet


  • two locker rooms (for men and women)
  • Multi-person room with 7 shower stations (one room), usually available to men.
  • Multi-person room with 3 toilet stalls, 2 sinks and 2 urinals, usually available to men.
  • One person room with a shower cabin, sink, toilet - for women only.

Porto-potties will be available near START/FINISH area.


Race classifications:

- General - marathon distance

Runners in each classification group receive awards, both monetary and merchandise. The amount and quantity of awards will be announced in a separate document and will depend on the budget of the race. These awards are not guaranteed. 

- General – other chosen distances.


All the information will be available online at PolskieMaratony.pl

Race results will be available at f-time.pl

Photo gallery and race update will be available at POLSKIE Maratony.pl, www.polskiemaratony

To contact organizers:

POLSKIE Maratony.PL– poczta@polskiemaratony.pl, cell 516 960 682 Race director

Athletic Club „Gwiazda” - ksgwiazda@interia.pl , phone 52 3797801, cell 517 495 683


By registering online or in the race office and signing your registration form,  a runner agrees to take a full responsibility and admits being aware of the risks associated with running a half or full marathon.

Every registered runners confirmed that they have familiarized themselves with and will follow this Race Rules.

In order to be classified among finishers a runner has to cross the finish line in 6 or less hours.

Every participant is required to sign a liability form confirming that they are running at their own risk. 

The organizers have the right to change race rules. All participants will be informed in advance of any changes to the race rules. 

The interpretation of the above rules is up to the race director of this marathon.


Andrzej Derfert, Race Director

Night Marathon of the Bydgoszcz Canal ● 11th Edition

Bydgoszcz, November 2015


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